Spectral analysis revealed no EEG responses to any of these stimuli. Ten chickens were lightly anaesthetised with halothane and their EEG recorded using surface electrodes during the application of supramaximal mechanical, thermal and electrical noxious stimuli. The aim of the current study was to determine whether the MAM can be applied to the study of nociception in birds. In mammals, changes in the frequency spectrum of the electroencephalogram (EEG) recorded under light anaesthesia (the minimal anaesthesia model MAM) have been shown to reliably indicate cerebral responses to noxious stimuli in a range of species. Similarly, physiological indices of pain can also vary and may be confounded by influence from non-painful stimuli. Overtly expressed signs of pain vary substantially between and within species, strains and individuals, limiting the use of behaviour in pain studies. The reliable assessment and management of avian pain is important in the context of animal welfare.